Check out one of our brilliant #ThankYouNHS deliveries to

Great Ormond Street on Good Morning Britain below

(link to video)


This clip shows some of the deliveries to date 

ThankyouNHS Video 


Click here to contribute towards or sponsor a hamper




10 of 70 hospitals completed 

Deliveries featured on ITV, BBC News networks and Good Morning Britain


Secret Hamper NHS70 Initiative

After losing my beloved dad to cancer and missing him by 2 minutes to tell him I loved him, the only positive from this heartbreaking situation was that there was a nurse who sat with my dad and held his hand as he passed.

A box of biscuits never quite felt that it was enough to show my gratitude for all that they did for my dad and especially the afore mentioned nurse, so a few years later when I heard that it was our NHS’s 70th anniversary I thought what could we do on a larger scale to show our appreciation to the unsung heroes of our NHS, I knew I couldn’t have a huge impact on my own so that’s when I decided to reach out and use social media for good.

The aim of this non for profit initiative is to invite businesses, sports stars, celebrities and individuals throughout the UK to recognise and celebrate 70 years (continuous as now in 76th year) of the NHS, no matter who you are, chances are you will know someone that works within our NHS.

Recognising the wonderful care given by the unsung heroes working at all levels within the organisation by sponsoring bespoke hampers to say a BIG ‘Thank You’ for dedicating their lives caring for others.

Secret Hamper’s goal is to replicate this to a total of 70 hospitals across the country. Each time we deliver 70 hampers to a hospital the contents are shared amongst the staff and can reach in excess of 3000 people creating a massive positive impact.

There are so many benefits to all involved;

  • As an employer showing your team you care about causes they are passionate about creates a great working environment.
  • Your staff can help to build and/or deliver to a hospital (s) of your choice and share the hampers amongst hospital staff* (*MOQ 25)
  • You are all providing a much-needed respite to often overworked and often unacknowledged staff, making a positive impact on the lives of those that dedicate theirs to caring for others.
  • When hampers are delivered the feel good benefit has a huge impact on a significant number of people within the health care system.

In addition the benefits to your business include:

  • Immediate recognition and exposure – national and regional press as well as regional TV channels love a feel good story. Each individual business will also be mentioned on all Secret Hamper social media channels.
  • A great story that you can share in your internal newsletter or blog highlighting your core values
  • That warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you’ve had a positive impact on someone else’s day
  • Transparency of where your money is being spent.

Pay it forward now and make a difference 

Click Here 

**As it’s now the NHS’s 76th Birthday Year each delivery will consist of 76 hampers at £76 each**


Interested in getting involved?

Contact us to discuss the different options for your business and how you can get involved!

033 033 373 90

Get in touch

NHS70 Bespoke Hamper.

Each hamper costs £70 and is packed full of locally sourced products designed to share, plus a copy of Jason Vale’s aka The Juice Master new book, Create Magic.

All hampers are presented in plain and recyclable cardboard boxes and will include a personalised message.

We hope you will agree that our NHS70 project is quickly becoming a major and uplifting story of 2018/2019 and we would love for you to be part the journey.

Good luck message from Only Fools and Horses Legend, John Challis aka Boycie

Our #ThankYouNHS delivery with Noah & Ella is featured on Good Morning Britain

We’ve even been to Downing Street!

Our current list of hospitals are as follows, if there’s one that you would specifically like to support that’s not on our list please get in touch. We have had requests from individuals to allow a way for them to contribute towards sponsoring a hamper, so we have added the convenience of GoFundMe pages so that individuals can contribute from as little as £1.

As with business sponsors we will add the names of any individuals who contribute towards a hamper to the boxes too.

Bedford HospitalSpecial 100 hamper delivery to honour Captain Tom Moore’s 100th Birthday Completed 30-4-20

Harrogate District Hospital – Completed 1-5-20

Broomfield Hospital Chelmsford – Completed 6-8-18

Birmingham Children’s Hospital – Completed 17/06/2019

Our Birmingham Children’s Hospital is in the news… read the article here

Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital GOSH -Completed 5-12-2019

View our special delivery on Good Morning Britain with Noah Wall & Ella Chadwick on the link below

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital – Completed 24-09-2019

Royal Manchester Children's HospitalRoyal Manchester Children's Hospital


Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle – Completed 13/12/2018


Colchester Hospital – Completed 30-9-2019


Message from Heart Essex Breakfast Hosts, Martin & Su

Message from Calum Best

Message from Talia Dean

Message from Will Quince MP

Message from John Salako


We look forward to the opportunity of working with you in the very near future.
